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Monday, January 21, 2019

Beat the Heat!

It is extremely hot here. The temperature is 40° C in some days. It is stuffy. I enjoy the summer, but not like that. I make chilly lemon drops tea, juice and lots of water bottles to beat the heat! It is tough to be exposed to high temperatures.

I want to start making my embroidered towel again. It's a relaxing time.


Santos in the dusk!

Trees on the streets.

Santa Claus last Christmas! HOHOHO

The beaches

Special gifts to a special person. I love to make the towels!

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Happy New Year!

Wishing Everyone a Happy 2019! We went to the beach to watch the fireworks for the first time! It was a beautiful exhibition!We like the summer although it's too hot.

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy New Year !

Trees in Santos 


The ships in Santos

My crochet!

A special gift